Your vision of leadership

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality – Warren Bennis.

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about building others. – Jack Welch ( Kruse 2012 )

In this blog I shall talk about my leadership view and approach. I strongly believe that using more than one style in particular will achieve success. Well first of we need the right possible skills to implement to be a leader.

The style in particular I will say is associated with me is Participative leadership and situational leadership. ( Dems and Edwards 2015 ). But i wish to posses the skills of a transformational leader. The person who inspires me is Donald Trump. He posses a blend of more than two leadership styles. He is well known for his charismatic, situational and transformational leadership styles. ( n.d. )

Donald Trump possesses skills like problem solving, verbal fluency, flexibility, awareness of needs, social skills, intelligence, legitimate and expert. With many leadership styles the end result is the same : success. He always thinks big and all leaders should.Setting high goals and wishing to talk about people’s heart being a leader, you have to think big. ( Anon 2015 ). Being a man full of energy which drives passion, and passion is what makes the impossible be possible.He posses this energy by which he makes his employees run an extra mile but motivating them. Failure is normal and all leaders face it at some point in life, Trump bounced back from his failure of going into bankruptcy, as he strong believed in himself. Most important thing is how you bounce back from failure and not how you can avoid it. ( Anon 2015 ).Trump is well known as ”The apprentice” . ( Thomas 2016).

Participative leadership style is all about turning to the team for ideas, input and observations while not making all decision on the leaders own. The final decision making still lasts with the leader. The process of involving the  team members is all about getting ideas and thoughts and analysis to see how it will affect the end result which is the objective. This styles of leadership  is about building strong relationships and rapport. ( Murdock 2014 ).

Situational leadership style is all about making the decision on particular situations but adjusting the style of leadership to fit the development leaders followers. Here the goals are achieved by meeting the needs of others in the organisation. (Anthony and Media n.d.).

Having worked in a team of 4 for my M005 Module, with different cultures and countries, i believed that i posses the participative leadership style from my team feedback. During the week i was a leader, i would do my work and would call for a meeting before class so that we could discuss our homework. I would do this so as to compare and involve my team in decision making and getting out the ideas and thought on the work. this strongly had great influence on our work as we all would have a good result at the end of the meeting. I would share my views about the work after everyone was done with their parts.

We as a team always kept our selves updated. I would make sure all my team members complete the work so that we could all participate in class and group discussion. making it simplified so that what needs to be done for the next seminar class is clear for us all. This help us all collectively and our work as a whole. For my ECS module, we were a team of 5 and having a different approach from my skills and to change the style of my leadership seemed necessary. I would always analyse the group discussion before i shared my point of view as all of the group members had a strong point of view and not always did it work smoothly. So having a situational leadership qualities seemed more relevant.

At my work place, not always do I accept my managers views as his approach is only oriented towards goals. I strongly believe in feedback and which seems very important as the staff turnover was high. After taking into consideration my views of taking feedback from the employees and not just pushing them for task completion would only result in losing the staff. The manager gave it a thought and makes sure he takes feedback from all the employees.

In conclusion, i strongly believe that leadership qualities are imparted through experiences and critical thinking and analysing the situation. I strongly recommend that not just one firm of leadership style always works but a blend has a better outcome.

References, (n.d.) The Leadership Style Of Donald Trump  ::  Charisma, Leadership [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

Anon. (2015) Donald Trump Leadership [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

Anthony, L. and Media, M. (n.d.) Define Situational Leadership [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

Bamford, D. (2006) “Leadership: Enhancing The Lessons Of Experience20061r.L. Hughes, R.C. Ginnett And G.J. Curphy. Leadership: EInt Jrnl of Op & Prod Mnagemnt 26 (11), 1276-1277

Dems, K. and Edwards, G. (2015) 7 Leadership Styles With Famous Examples Of Each One [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

Kruse, K. (2012) Forbes Welcome [online] available from <; [2 April 2016]

Murdock, K. (2014) Participative Leadership: What It Is And When It Works Best [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

Thomas, M. (2016) What I Learned About Donald Trump From Binge-Watching The Apprentice [online] available from <; [3 April 2016]

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